Embrace Pressure

Ask any elite bowler whether they would rather be slightly nervous or completely relaxed before and during a competitive bowling event and they will probably tell you “slightly nervous”, the reason being is that they are more likely to access Flow and play better. When we are playing with high stakes with an uncertain outcome, it activates the nervous system. Research by Steven Kotler of Flow Research Collective suggests that a person needs to reach a certain level of stress (or “arousal”) to trigger Flow.


You will know this as pre-event nerves or first shot jitters which you probably think of as being a sign that you won’t bowl well. But in fact it can be a performance enhancer, provided you can keep your mind in the present. Along with that increased heart rate and feeling of butterflies, comes increased focus and higher sensory awareness that can elevate your bowling performance – we become more mentally and physically alert.


Remember this next time you feel nervous before a league night or tournament. Choose to embrace being out of your comfort zone as it can actually raise your game by inducing Flow.