Find The Groove

You can have the best game plan in the world, but things don’t always go as planned.
Getting into a rhythm early in a game of a bowling competition is critical for bowlers. Some days though, things may be a little off. The environment on the lanes might be challenging, the approaches tacky or slippery, the thumb hole in between sizes, etc.
In some bowling competitions, you just don’t feel right. In those instances, it may take a few or many shots to get into the flow of the event.
However, starting slowly may be costly early in the bowling event. Giving up pins early in the event may make it more difficult to find your groove.
For example, when you start slowly, you start thinking, “If I don’t start getting lined up quickly, I’m going to dig myself a hole that I can’t get out of.” You feel a little more anxious and tense on the approach.
You grip the ball a little tighter and try too hard to make perfect shots instead of focusing on your process (the 4 quadrants). You try to force yourself into a groove instead of relaxing and letting the game come to you.
Finding your groove is not a physical adjustment but a mental fine-tuning. Getting into the flow on the approach is based on three mental aspects:
1. Think less– Having long internal conversations complicate mechanics. The key is to step out of your head and immerse yourself in the game. To be succinct, just make the shot instead of thinking about how you should make the shot.
2. Focus on the present shot - Bowlers sometimes fall into the trap of outcome thinking: “If I pull another shot inside of my target, I will split again.” “I’m going to shoot another bad game.” The only thing that matters is the present.
3. Release physical and mental tension – Forcing yourself to make great shots and/or striking never works. Fluid mechanics and accuracy result from minimizing distractions and releasing mental and physical tension.
Focusing on the four quadrants that we have discussed on Mental Monday will help you settle your thoughts and find your tempo.
Getting into a physical rhythm will help clear your mind and immerse you in the game.
Look for signs the momentum is in your favor.