Building Muscle Memory

A second way in which a solid mental game plan augments bowling performance is through the influence it has on your neuromuscular system. Vivid mental images actually enhance muscle memory. Your body responds to the image in your mind, not only at the muscular level but also in the nervous system. When you visualize a movement, you map a neuromuscular pattern that will increase the chance of repeating the movement you imagined. The process is called subliminal motor movement. We’ve discussed the power of visualization on many Mental Monday’s.
This powerful concept can bring you consistent bowling performance or cause inconsistent performance if you don’t take control of it. To demonstrate just how sensitive subliminal motor movement can be, take time now to watch the video clip on Chevruel’s Pendulum. Dr. Jack Curtis practiced this technique with me on my very first visit 30 years ago and from that moment on have realized the power of the mental game. This technique emphasizes the mind/body connection and illustrates how visualization, regardless of where you do it, can improve or hinder performance in the bowling center.

Start using visualization to Win the Day!